Here are four images from my heart of darkness project. The brief for this project was really inspiring, we had to choose a book and create a cover for the book. We had a choice of five books:
- The Odyssey
- Orlando
- Heart of Darkness
- The Sliver Sword
I chose Heart of Darkness because I had recently watched Apocalypse Now and I had a bit of background knowledge. I then researched the biography of Joseph Conrad. I'm very interested in Imperialism in Africa and slavery as my father is from the Caribbean .
First of all I drew an image of a hand but the arm was a chain. I found this image a powerful idea that the chain can controls the hands . I used free hand to copy my design onto lino. Here is my lino cut and development I added an African pattern on to the lino, then printed the results. The black fist symbolises black power and I added more imagery by putting in blood on it with photoshop.
My Lino print cover |
This final cover was rendered from scratch on photoshop. I started with a shape and then I added more and more shapes changing the opacity and rubbings parts out to create the metal mask. To make it more realistic I added two overlays one of rust the other of metal dots and then I made my own penguin templates to finish the book cover. This cover is powerful because it's a mask and it's an object thats slaves in the Belgian Congo would have worn as a punishment. I have also included my development.